Junction temps dropped from 115c at 1900MHz on air to 84c at 2050MHz.
Installation was easy. The block came with plenty of thermal pads that were easy to install.
However, there are two downsides, and one subjective factor to discuss.
The downsides:
There not enough screws to fill all the spots (6 short). Also, 2 of the backplate screw holes lack any way to receive the screws.
The instructions are all in Chinese. This is not too bad overall, but understand that you will only be able to see the pictures. On that note, there are two things I would recommend doing on install: on all of the screws, use the included plastic washers. Also, on the stand off style nuts on the block, use the plastic spacers.
The look of the block is average. The RGB is quite bright and makes it ok in my opinion. I wish the terminal was black.
Overall, it is good. The lack of screws is not a major downside.